Topology optimisation of structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD by Publication


    PhD by portfolio.

    Research aim:
    To investigate if topology optimisation can be used for the development of mechanical structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations.

    Research objectives:
    1. Analyse and critically evaluate the potential for using state of the art commercially available Finite Element software (and associated topology optimisation algorithms) for topology optimisation of structures exposed to large-deformations.
    2. Based on 1 (where feasible) suggest, develop and critically appraise opportunities, methodologies and tools for enhancing the accuracy and precision of current state of the art topology optimisation algorithms for non-linear applications.
    3. Based on the outcomes of 1 and 2 define / refine and integrate a topology optimisation algorithm / methodology with enhanced levels of accuracy for structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations.
    4. Critically analyse and assess the outcomes of the tool developed in 3 to competing algorithms and “sound engineering judgement” using case-studies and objectively evaluate the potential for further development/refinement of the proposed algorithm / methodology.
    Date of Award2015
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Coventry University
    SupervisorChristophe Bastien (Supervisor) & Mike Blundell (Supervisor)


    • Non-linear Finite Element Topology Optimisation
    • buckling
    • Body In White (BIW)
    • roof crush
    • lightweight vehicle architecture

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