The unexplored impact of emergent technologies on music industry stakeholders
: aspirants, producers and consumers

  • Mark Thorley

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisPhD by Publication


    This critical overview draws upon a portfolio consisting of two book chapters, three journal articles and one conference paper all published in international publications between 2011 and the present. The papers have been underpinned, supported and disseminated through 18 conference presentations and a variety of interventions with the commercial environment, all undertaken during the same period. The outputs are crossdisciplinary encompassing technology, acoustics, psychoacoustics, business, music, psychology, physiology, cultural studies etc. The work is tied into two sets of funding from the Higher Education Academy (HEA) focussing on the use of emergent technology to develop music producers’ expertise. The work therefore represents a cohesive but diverse set of outputs, and is reflective of the technologically-driven nature of the creative industries, and the multidisciplinary experience of the author.
    Date of Award2016
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Coventry University


    • Sound recording industry
    • Music and technology
    • economic aspects

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