Adoption of cloud computing technology in Higher Education Institutions
: a case study of Jordan

  • Mahmoud Odeh

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    The extensive use of cloud computing is changing ways of dealing with information and communication technology. Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm designed to deliver numerous computing services through networked media such as the Web. It offers several benefits in dealing with software services and hardware infrastructure by increasing the scalability and reliability of virtual resources. Some benefits are seen immediately, for instance, allowing students to share information easily and to discover new experiences within the education system. However, cloud computing also introduces several challenges such as security and privacy, as well as the configuration of resources in shared environments.

    In developing countries, higher education (HE) institutions cannot escape from the growing adoption of cloud computing. Despite the comprehensive literature on Western, developed countries, there is still limited research and related publications on practical and managerial issues that influence its adoption in developing nations. Jordan is one such country, with HE establishments that continue to seek opportunities to rationalise how they manage their resources.

    The aim of this study is to develop a framework which considers the key factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing, to help Jordanian HE institutions (JHEIs) to implement the technology effectively. By adapting the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theories, and the Technology, Organisation and Environment (TOE) framework, this research proposed a framework for the adoption of cloud computing by JHEIs. The proposed framework, named Technology-Organisation-Environment-Quality of Cloud Computing adoption (TOEQCC), extends these original theories and models to enhance understanding of the factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing in the context of JHEIs. It also suggests a roadmap for adopting cloud computing in JHEIs. A pilot study was conducted in three JHEIs before the actual study took place to discover any possible weakness or ambiguity. Fieldwork involving eleven universities in Jordan was conducted in order to specify the actual factors determining the design of the TOEQCC framework. An interpretive paradigm using triangulation methods was applied to collect qualitative data, conducting thirty-one semi-structured interviews with major stakeholders in Jordanian universities, including professors in cloud computing and information technology, university vice-chancellors, IT managers, heads of departments, and deans of schools. The researcher also held three focus groups and distributed 100 surveys to Jordanian students as well as collecting documents and reports from the Jordanian Minister of Higher Education (JMHE) and the Jordanian Higher Education Accreditation Commission (JHEAC). The data was analysed using NVivo software, and based on the three-step process recommended by Miles and Huberman (2014): data condensation, data display and drawing/verifying conclusions. Microsoft Excel was used to present information relating to frequencies or statistics (e.g. in the form of tables, pie charts, bar charts and column charts).

    Thirty-three factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing in JHEIs were identified and incorporated in the TOEQCC framework to explain the correlations between them. The TOEQCC framework was validated and tested by three Jordanian universities. Ethical approval was received from the University of Coventry’s ethics panel before the field study was started.
    Date of AwardAug 2017
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Coventry University
    SupervisorAlexeis Garcia-Perez (Supervisor) & Kevin Warwick (Supervisor)


    • cloud computing adoption
    • higher education
    • developing countries
    • Kingdom of Jordan
    • quality of higher education
    • NVivo

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