Wet gas measurement

Manus Henry (Inventor), Michael Tombs (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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A first apparent property of a multi-phase process fluid is determined based on the motion of the vibratable flowtube. One or more apparent intermediate values associated with the multi-phase process fluid are determined based on the first apparent property. A measure of wetness of the multi-phase process fluid is determined based on a mapping between one or more of the apparent intermediate values and the measure of wetness. A second apparent property of the multi-phase process fluid is determined using the differential pressure flowmeter. One or more phase-specific properties of the multi-phase process fluid is determined based on the measure of wetness and the second apparent property.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS9091581B2
IPCGOIF I7/00,GOIF I/84,GOIF I/74,GOIF 15/02
Priority date20/04/07
Filing date29/08/14
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jul 2015
Externally publishedYes


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  • Wet Gas Measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 12 Jan 2016, IPC No. G01F 1/84, G01F 1/00, G01F 1/74, Patent No. US9234780B2, 9 Sept 2014, Priority date 28 Aug 2006, Priority No. US82375306P

    Research output: Patent

  • Wet Gas Measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 9 Feb 2016, IPC No. GO1F 1/74, GO1F 1/84, Patent No. CA2658810C, 28 Aug 2007, Priority date 28 Aug 2006, Priority No. US82375306P

    Research output: Patent

  • Wet gas measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 24 Nov 2015, IPC No. GO1F 1/74, Patent No. CA2683387C, 18 Apr 2008, Priority date 20 Apr 2007, Priority No. US91314807P

    Research output: Patent


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