Wet gas measurement

Manus Henry (Inventor), Michael Tombs (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A first apparent property of a multi-phase process fluid is determined based on the motion of the vibratable flowtube. One or more apparent intermediate values associated with the process fluid are determined based on the first apparent property. One or more corrected intermediate values are determined based on a mapping between the apparent intermediate values and the corrected intermediate values. One or more phase-specific properties of the multi-phase process fluid are determined based on the corrected intermediate values. A measure of wetness of the multi-phase process fluid is determined based on the one or more phase-specific properties that are determined based on the corrected intermediate values. A second apparent property of the multi-phase process fluid is determined using the differential pressure flowmeter. A phase-specific property of a phase of the multi-phase process fluid is determined based on the measure of wetness and the second apparent property.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberCN101715546A
IPCG01F 1/84
Priority date20/04/07
Filing date18/04/08
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2010
Externally publishedYes


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  • Wet Gas Measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 12 Jan 2016, IPC No. G01F 1/84, G01F 1/00, G01F 1/74, Patent No. US9234780B2, 9 Sept 2014, Priority date 28 Aug 2006, Priority No. US82375306P

    Research output: Patent

  • Wet Gas Measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 9 Feb 2016, IPC No. GO1F 1/74, GO1F 1/84, Patent No. CA2658810C, 28 Aug 2007, Priority date 28 Aug 2006, Priority No. US82375306P

    Research output: Patent

  • Wet gas measurement

    Henry, M. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 24 Nov 2015, IPC No. GO1F 1/74, Patent No. CA2683387C, 18 Apr 2008, Priority date 20 Apr 2007, Priority No. US91314807P

    Research output: Patent


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