Weighted averages in population annealing: Analysis and general framework

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Population annealing is a powerful sequential Monte Carlo algorithm designed to study the equilibrium behavior of general systems in statistical physics through massive parallelism. In addition to the remarkable scaling capabilities of the method, it allows for measurements to be enhanced by weighted averaging [J. Machta, Phys. Rev. E 82, 026704 (2010)], admitting to reduce both systematic and statistical errors based on independently repeated simulations. We give a self-contained introduction to population annealing with weighted averaging, generalize the method to a wide range of observables such as the specific heat and magnetic susceptibility and rigorously prove that the resulting estimators for finite systems are asymptotically unbiased for essentially arbitrary target distributions. Numerical results based on more than 10 7 independent population annealing runs of the two-dimensional Ising ferromagnet and the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass are presented in depth. In the latter case, we also discuss efficient ways of measuring spin overlaps in population annealing simulations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number045303
Number of pages20
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number4
Early online date6 Oct 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Oct 2022


We thank Lev Barash for providing us with the PAising -code and other program variants as well as Nico Heizmann for helpful discussions. Most calculations were performed using the Sulis Tier 2 HPC platform hosted by the Scientific Computing Research Technology Platform at the University of Warwick. Sulis is funded by EPSRC Grant No. EP/T022108/1 and the HPC Midlands consortium. Moreover, we acknowledge the provision of computing time on the parallel computer cluster Zeus of Coventry University. The work of P.L.E. was supported by Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Chemnitz. D.G. acknowledges the support by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH-UFA) through the Doctoral College “” under Grant No. CDFA-02-07. D.G. further acknowledges support by the Leipzig Graduate School of Natural Sciences “BuildMoNa.”


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