Visualization in analysis: developing ANT Analysis Diagrams (AADs)

Lisa Payne

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This article presents a novel diagramming approach which employs aspects of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) in the creation of ANT Analysis Diagrams (AADs). ANT is a socio-material approach which allows for the consideration of both human and inanimate entities in a social context. AADs provide a novel method for the analytical investigation of social situations, thereby both operationalizing elements of ANT and generating a visualization of a domain. It is the process of creating an AAD which is crucial, focusing attention on the characteristics of the entities involved and the nature of the relationships between them, thereby supporting the analysis of qualitative social data. As this article illustrates, AADs can be usefully applied to a wide range of social contexts and across scales, from the individual person, to groups through to broad social concepts.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)118-133
Number of pages16
JournalQualitative Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2016

Bibliographical note

The final, definitive version of this paper has been published August 2016 by SAGE Publication Ltd, All rights reserved. (C) Lisa Payne


  • actor-network theory
  • ANT analysis diagrams
  • data analysis
  • conceptual model
  • diagram
  • objects
  • relationships
  • visual
  • visualization


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