Violence against women in northern Uganda: The neglected health consequences of war

Helen Liebling-Kalifani, S. Musisi, E. Kinyanda, Angela Marshall, J. Were-Oguttu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

46 Citations (Scopus)


This article presents a summary of research intervention work carried out in waraffected Northern Uganda by Isis-WICCE, a women’s international non-government organisation, in conjunction with the Ugandan Medical Association and funded by Medica Mondiale, a German-based foundation. The findings of this research demonstrate the serious effects of sexual violence and torture experienced on women’s physical and psychological health. However, this paper also describes women’s key role in trying to bring peace to this region, as well as their resistance and survival strategies. It is recommended that funding is urgently required for the provision of sustainable, gender sensitive physical and psychological health services in this region. Women’s campaign for justice for the atrocities they have suffered should be heard by the International Criminal Court. Further recommendations are made with respect to policy changes in line with enhancing women’s roles and furthering the empowerment of these women war survivors.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)174-192
JournalJournal of International Women's Studies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2008

Bibliographical note

The official website links to the full text published article on the publisher Bridgewater State University's webpages.


  • Women
  • War
  • Health
  • Sexual violence
  • Northern Uganda


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