Views and experiences of healthcare practitioners supporting people with COPD who have used activity monitors: “More than just steps”

Laura Wilde, Carol Percy, Cain Clark, Gillian Ward, Petra Wark, Louise Sewell

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Activity monitors (apps and wearables) are increasingly used by the general population, including people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). There is potential for activity monitors to support increases in physical activity for people with COPD and healthcare practitioners (HCPs) are likely to be key in supporting their use, but little is currently known about HCPs' views or experiences. This qualitative research aimed to explore HCPs’ views and experiences of supporting people with COPD who have used activity monitors.
Seventeen semi-structured telephone or online interviews were conducted with HCPs between September 2020 and May 2021. HCPs included two nurses, an occupational therapist, a physician, and 13 physiotherapists. Participants were recruited via social media advertisements. They all had experience of supporting people with COPD who had used activity monitors. Interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.
Four themes were developed highlighting the challenges and benefits of HCPs supporting patients with using activity monitors and utilising patient-collected activity data; 1) Skills and experience are needed to increase accessibility and engagement, 2) Objectively monitored physical activity can support exercise prescription, 3) Applications of activity monitors vary across different settings, and 4) Support is needed for future use of activity monitors.
HCPs recognised the potential for activity monitors to impact patients’ ability to self-manage their COPD. However, there is a lack of guidance and information to support integration within practice. Future research is needed to co-develop information and guidelines for people with COPD and HCPs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107395
Number of pages9
JournalRespiratory Medicine
Early online date25 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (


LW's PhD (of which this study is a part of) was funded by the Centre for Intelligent Healthcare, Coventry University, United Kingdom.


  • Self-management
  • Activity tracker
  • Healthcare professional
  • Physical activity
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Respiratory disease


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