Towards a Deterritorialised Field of Dance

Ruth Gibson, Carol Brown, Jenny Roche

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This chapter will outline affective, experiential and relational realms of dancing
    between virtual and real environments in a creative film process, taking place
    between the dramatic landscape of Central Otago, New Zealand and the motion capture studio. The project entitled We Are Here And We Are Everywhere At Once
    explores how travelling through virtual environments can ‘make strange’ our
    engagement with the real. It questions how awareness of embodied presence, which is augmented and altered through its intermingling with digital technologies and apparatus might inform how we engage with our dancing bodies and the natural world, uncovering new perspectives on the role dance knowledge might play in practice-led research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDance Fields: Staking a Claim for Dance Studies in the 21st Century
    EditorsSarah Whatley, Michael Huxley, Ann David
    PublisherDance Books
    ISBN (Print)9781852731816
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


    • Dance
    • Dance Performance Collaboration Visual Art
    • Motion Capture
    • Virtual Reality
    • Film
    • Landscape
    • Affect
    • practice‐as‐research


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