The Work Ethic of the Early Islamic Period: Lessons for Contemporary Society

Kasim Randeree, Imran Malik

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

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The Arab world had a proud tradition of providing security to its working class especially during the early Islamic period. To be relevant in the future, however, developing Arab societies will need to re-examine their Euro-centric premise and strive to serve global equity through a more balanced philosophy.
Thus, the contemporary strategist in the Arab world needs to be inspired by the humanism of the early Islamic scholars, such as Muhammad Al-Ghazzali (1058-1111). The principles for good governance (knowledge, justice, wisdom and tolerance) were articulated by Al-Ghazzali a millennium ago and remain valid today.
Using Dubai as a model for change, this paper demonstrates the ability of the growing regional knowledge economy to adapt economically and socially by implementing traditional ethical guidelines to achieve sustainable growth in addition to avoiding the exploitation of a largely foreign labour class.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes
EventThe Sixth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations - Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy
Duration: 11 Jul 200614 Jul 2006


ConferenceThe Sixth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations
Internet address


  • Islamic Legacy
  • Knowledge Economy
  • Work Ethic


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