The use of mineral dynamised high dilutions for natural plant biostimulation: effects on plant growth, crop production, fruit quality, pest and disease incidence in agroecological strawberry cultivation

Leonardo Faedo, Caroline Matias, Rovier Verdi, Julia Wright, Francis Rayns, Aike Kretzschmar, Pedro Boff

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Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) are one of the most important fruit crops worldwide. Most of the strawberries that are produced today rely on the use of pesticides and fungicides, leading the crop to be listed as one of the most contaminated by contentious inputs. Plant biostimulants are used as a plant health strategy focused on stimulating plant growth and development with a low residual impact. The objective of this study was to assess the plant biostimulation effects of strawberry plants treated with mineral dynamised high dilutions (DHDs): Sulphur 12CH, Phosphorus 12CH, Kali carbonicun 12CH, Calcarea carbonica 12CH, Silicea terra 12CH, Natrum muriaticum 12CH and Mercurius solubilis 12 CH, distilled water 12CH and distilled water (control). The experiment was undertaken under greenhouse conditions at the University of Santa Catarina State (UDESC), in Lages, Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil in 2019 and was repeated in 2021 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in Curitibanos, SC. The experiment used a randomised block design, following double-blind treatment application. Data were analysed by ANOVA and when significant (p ≤ 0.05) by Dunnett’s test. The results showed that plants treated with DHDs of Sulphur 12CH, Phosphorus 12CH and Kali carbonicum 12CH increased plant growth and crop yield and were less affected by leaf spot disease (Mycosphaerella fragariae). Plants treated with Silicea terra 12CH, or with Calcarea carbonica 12CH showed increased development of the root system. The results obtained suggested that mineral DHDs could be used as plant biostimulants to support agroecological strawberry production.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)(In-Press)
Number of pages21
JournalBiological Agriculture and Horticulture
Early online date20 Sept 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Sept 2024

Bibliographical note

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.


The research team would like to thank the funding received by FAPESC through the project Rede Guarani Serra Geral, TO FAPESC2015TR1067 and by CAPES/Brazil (41002016007P7).


  • Agroecology
  • crop vitality
  • Fragaria x ananassa
  • homoeopathic preparations
  • plant health


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