The Right to Land and Territory: New Human Right and Collective Action Frame

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    Resistance against the appropriation of nature, especially land, has
    been one of the key struggles of the transnational agrarian movement La Via
    Campesina (LVC) since its inception in 1993. The issue of access to land
    has become even more central after the food crisis of 2007-08, in a context
    increasingly marked by land grabbing and climate change. This contribution
    offers a critical examination of the emergence of the « right to land and
    territory », both as a collective action frame deployed by transnational
    peasant movements, and as a new human right in international law. It
    explores the various ways in which agrarian movements are using the
    human rights framework to question the establishment of absolute private
    property rights over land, and restore political limits on access to land. It
    argues that peasant movements are claiming a new human right to land
    through a combination of institutional and extra-institutional channels, in an
    effort not only to achieve increased protection of peasants’ land rights
    (against and by the state), but also to advance an alternative conception of
    human rights that resonates with their worldviews, and allows for the
    development of food sovereignty alternatives, including outside the state.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)115-137
    JournalRevue internationale d’études juridiques
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • framing
    • peasant movements
    • Food sovereignty
    • land
    • territory
    • human rights


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