The Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics

M. Blundell, D. Harty

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Filling the gaps between subjective vehicle assessment, classical vehicle dynamics and computer-based multibody approaches, The Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics offers unique coverage of both the virtual and practical aspects of vehicle dynamics from concept design to system analysis and handling development. The book provides valuable foundation knowledge of vehicle dynamics as well as drawing on laboratory studies, test-track work, and finished vehicle applications to gel theory with practical examples and observations. Combined with insights into the capabilities and limitations of multibody simulation, this comprehensive mix provides the background understanding, practical reality and simulation know-how needed to make and interpret useful models. New to this edition you will find coverage of the latest tire models, changes to the modeling of light commercial vehicles, developments in active safety systems, torque vectoring, and examples in AView, as well as updates to theory, simulation, and modeling techniques throughout.
    Original languageEnglish
    ISBN (Print)978-008099425-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

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