The evolution of blockchain: A bibliometric study

Mohammad Dabbagh, Mehdi Sookhak, Nader Sohrabi Safa

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    123 Citations (Scopus)
    511 Downloads (Pure)


    Blockchain as emerging technology is revolutionizing several industries, and its abundant privileges have opened up a bunch of research directions in various industries; thereby, it has acquired many interests from the research community. The rapid evolution of blockchain research papers in recent years has resulted in a need to conduct research studies that investigate a detailed analysis of the current body of knowledge in this field. To address this need, a few review papers have been published to report the latest accomplishments and challenges of blockchain technology from different perspectives. Nonetheless, there has not been any bibliometric analysis of the state of the art in blockchain where Web of Science (WoS) has been taken into consideration as a literature database. Hence, a thorough analysis of the current body of knowledge in blockchain research through a bibliometric study would be needed. In this paper, we performed a bibliometric analysis of all Blockchain's conference papers, articles, and review papers that have been indexed byWoS from 2013 to 2018. We have analyzed those collected papers against five research questions. The results revealed some valuable insights, including yearly publications and citations trends, hottest research areas, top-ten influential papers, favorite publication venues, and most supportive funding bodies. The findings of this paper offer several implications that can be used as a guideline by both fresh and experienced researchers to establish a baseline before initiating a blockchain research project in the future.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number8628982
    Pages (from-to)19212-19221
    Number of pages10
    JournalIEEE Access
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Jan 2019

    Bibliographical note

    Open Access journal

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    • Bibliometric study
    • Blockchain
    • Web of Science

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Computer Science
    • General Materials Science
    • General Engineering


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