The EU Peace II Fund and the International Fund for Ireland: Transforming Conflict and Building Peace in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties

Olga Skarlato, Sean Byrne, Chuck Thiessen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article explores interview narratives of 98 Northern Irish participants regarding the impact of the International Fund for Ireland (IFI) and the European Union’s (EU) Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (Peace II) on peacebuilding and development processes in Northern Ireland. The perceptions of community group leaders, funding agency civil servants and development officers are explored. The experiences of these study participants with the EU Peace II Fund and
    IFI are discussed in the greater context of economic and social development, addressing the legacy of conflict, and peacebuilding and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties.

    Članek obravnava pripovedi 98 severnoirskih intervjuvancev o učinku Mednarodnega fonda za Irsko (International Fund for Ireland, IFI) in Programa EU za mir in spravo (EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation)(Mir/Peace II) na vzpostavljanje miru in razvoj na Severnem Irskem. Raziskuje mnenja voditeljev lokalnih skupnosti, uradnikov fundacije in za razvoj odgovornih uslužbencev. Izkušnje sodelujočih v raziskavi z Evropskim mirovnim skladom II in IFI so obravnavane v širšem kontekstu gospodarskega in družbenega razvoja, upoštevaje dediščino konfliktov ter vzpostavljanja miru in sprave na Severnem Irskem in v mejnih pokrajinah.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)92-124
    Number of pages33
    JournalTreatises and Documents: The Journal of Ethnic Studies
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • peacebuilding
    • international economic assistance
    • Northern Ireland
    • program evaluation
    • vzpostavljanje miru
    • mednarodna gospodarska pomoč
    • Severna Irska
    • ocena programa


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