The effect of soft tissue on detecting hip impingement

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    Hip impingement is a hip associated abnormality and it reduces the
    activity of those affected and also it can result in osteoarthritis. Current
    clinical methods in detecting hip impingement known as FADIR test. This is
    a manual method and relies heavily on surgeons experience and the method
    is prone to error. The use of computational programmes are known to be
    more accurate and reliable as the kinematic of contact can easily be studied
    using the digitised bones of the hip joint assuming that the impingement is
    determined by bone to bone contact kinematics. Current impingement
    studies assume that the kinematics of hip joint can be studied by assuming
    the centre of rotation is fixed for hip joint. For highly conforming joints this
    assumption is acceptable but for cases where conformity is poor the presence
    of soft tissue and soft tissue loading becomes very important. The important
    need in orthopaedics field is to develop a model without too much
    simplification. All previous work on detecting impingement has ignored the
    factor of soft tissue.
    In this paper for the first time the complete computational model of hip with
    soft tissue has been used to detect the impingement in a specific patient.
    In this paper the femur, acetabulum, cartilage and ligaments of specific
    patients were modelled in MIMICs using both MRI and CT scan. 3D hip
    models with and without soft tissues of normal hip, hip with impingement
    and hip with impingement after reshaping were modelled. The hip models
    were imported to detect impingement zone and impingement angle.
    Our results show that the soft tissue in hip model affects hip impingement
    angle and hip biomechanics. This finding also shows that, if the boundary
    condition is closer to the real hip, then the results of computer-aided program
    will be more reliable.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)57-72
    Number of pages16
    JournalEuropean Scientific Journal (ESJ)
    Issue number18
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Bibliographical note

    ESJ articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License.


    • Hip Impingement
    • Soft Tissue
    • FADIR Test
    • Hip Biomechanics


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