The choreographic language agent

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


(Taken from the opening paragraph of the chapter): The paper notebook with its companion pencil or pen is a creative tool for many contemporary choreographers and their dancers. Using the notebook affords a relationship with a set of external objects inscribed ‘on the page’ in the form of drawn sketches, notations and diagrams combined with text (Blackwell, deLahunta, McGregor, & Warwicker, 2004). This relationship can be described in cognitive terms; e.g. where the page becomes a surrogate for working memory or as a way for seeing something new by modelling structures or processes. The notebook in this sense becomes a site for the encounter of cognition and creativity; providing a place for thinking generatively with external objects (sketches, notations, etc.), an idea this essay will revisit (Blackwell et al., 2004, p. 70). This concept that the choreographer’s notebook affords a relationship with objects on the page, underpins the current development of the Choreographic Language Agent (CLA), as an extended interactive digital notebook
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDance dialogues: Conversations across cultures, artforms and practices
EditorsCheryl Stock, World Dance Alliance Asia Pacific
Place of PublicationNew South Wales, Australia
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2016

Bibliographical note

This paper was first given and then published in the Refereed proceedings* of the World Dance Alliance Global Summit 2008. The full text of the original paper is available on the publisher Ausdance website along with details of the full proceedings and subsequent published book at:


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