The agent programming language meta-APL

Trang Doan, Brian Logan, Natasha Alechina

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    We describe a novel agent programming language, Meta-APL, and
    give its operational semantics. Meta-APL allows both agent programs and their
    associated deliberation strategy to be encoded in the same programming language. We define a notion of equivalence between programs written in different
    agent programming languages based on the notion of weak bisimulation equivalence. We show how to simulate (up to this notion of equivalence) programs
    written in other agent programming languages by programs of Meta-APL. This
    involves translating both the agent program and the deliberation strategy under
    which it is executed into Meta-APL.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event9th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems - Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
    Duration: 3 May 20113 May 2011


    Workshop9th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems
    Abbreviated titleProMAS-2011
    Country/TerritoryTaiwan, Province of China
    Internet address


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