Testing Testing – embedding professional accreditation to enhance employability within creative disciplines - Conference Presentation

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    The aims of this session are to share and inspire with a case-study from a teaching pedagogy put into practice over the past 4 years. The rationale and results of this professional accreditiation scheme will be set out and discussed in order to give an example of how embedded accreditation can enhance student employability. Coventry School of Art & Design wanted to address employability across a range of creative disciplines, with the additional challenge of how to formally recognise the industry standard skills required by creative industry. Delegates will be given a real world example of how this intervention effected students perception of assessment methods and how their confidence and trust in non-traditional forms of assessment were managed. The outcomes from the scheme will be shared and discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    EventInspire – sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning - Brighton, United Kingdom
    Duration: 3 Mar 20164 Mar 2016


    ConferenceInspire – sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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