Sustainable Futures for OA Books: The Open Book Collective

Judith Fathallah, Livy Onalee Snyder

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This article describes and explains the need for the work of the Open Book Collective (OBC). The OBC is a major output of the COPIM project (Community-Led Infrastructures for Open Access Monographs). The collective will bring together diverse small-to-medium open access (OA) publishers, open publishing service providers, libraries, and other research institutions to create a new, mutually supportive, and interdependent community space and platform designed to sustainthe future of OA book publishing. The OBC is founded upon equitable, community-led governance and helping publishers move beyond Book Processing Charges (BPCs). Central to the functioning of the Open Book Collective is an online platform that will make it far quicker and easier for libraries and other potential subscribers to compare, evaluate, and subscribe to different OA publishers and open service providers via membership packages. The OBC supports small-to-medium OA publishers by way of the COPIM (Community-Led Publication Infrastructures for Open Access Books) philosophy of “scaling small.” This allows publishers and other members to operate sustainably and collaboratively whilst retaining their diverse and singular editorial missions, rather than operating from philosophies centered on economic growth, competition, and monopoly.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Electronic Publishing
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 2023

Bibliographical note

The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is an open access journal that publishes research and discussion about contemporary publishing practices, and the impact of those practices upon users. Our contributors and readers are publishers, scholars, librarians, journalists, students, technologists, attorneys, and others with an interest in the methods and means of contemporary publishing.
Authors retain full rights to their article and grant JEP and its publisher, Michigan Publishing, the non-exclusive right to distribute the work and make the work available in perpetuity. This ensures that authors have the ability to publish and distribute their work elsewhere, in print or digitally, if necessary.

Authors select the license applied to their published article. However, JEP strongly endorses and encourages authors to select a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY) which helps ensure the work has the lowest barrier possible to its re-use.


  • Open Access
  • Community-led
  • Open Book Collective
  • COPIM Project
  • Sustainability
  • Publishing
  • Open Access Books
  • Collective
  • Bibliodiversity
  • Open Infrastructures
  • Libraries


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