Subaltern Environmentalism in Can Sant Joan, Catalonia

Sergio Ruiz Cayuela

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    In this piece I analyse the ways in which marginalized communities respond to intentional environmental discrimination by political and economic elites. In order to do so, I briefly reflect on the terms subalternity and environmentalism; and I characterize subaltern environmentalism in terms of political orientation, types of communities involved, conception of the environment and issues of concern, and positionality. In order to test the previously developed blueprint I use the case
    study of Can Sant Joan (Catalonia), a working-class migrant neighbourhood where a movement against waste incineration emerged when the Asland cement plant got a permission to use refuse derived fuels in 2006.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThrough the Working Class
    Subtitle of host publicationEcology and Society Investigated Through the Lens of Labour
    EditorsSilvio Cristiano
    PublisherEdizioni Ca'Foscafri
    Number of pages18
    ISBN (Electronic)978-88-6969-296-3
    ISBN (Print)978-88-6969-297-0
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Dec 2018

    Publication series

    NameCulture del lavoro
    PublisherEdizioni Ca'Foscari
    ISSN (Print)2610-8852
    ISSN (Electronic)2610-9379

    Bibliographical note

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    • Subaltern environmentalism
    • Environmental justice
    • Waste incineration


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