Studies on the Reduction–Swelling Behaviors of Hematite Iron Ore Pellets with Noncoking Coal

Subhasisa Nath, Mithlesh Kumar, Saroj Kumar Patel

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    Studies on the reduction and swelling behaviors of fired pellets, made by mixing hematite iron ore fines of −100, −18 + 25, and −10 + 16 mesh sizes in different proportions, were carried out with low-grade coal in the temperature range of 850–1000°C with an aim to promote the massive utilization of fines in ironmaking. The rate of reduction in all the fired iron ore pellets increased markedly with an increase in temperature up to 1000°C and it was more intense in the first 15-min soak time. Relatively higher reduction rates and swellings/shrinkage were observed in the pellets made by the addition of larger size (+100 mesh) particles in the matrix of −100 mesh size fines. In general, highest swelling was observed in the fired pellets at a reduction temperature of 850°C, followed by a decrease at 900°C. At both these temperatures, the percentage of swelling increased with reduction time up to the range studied (120 min). The fired pellets reduced at temperatures of 950°C and 1000°C, showed shrinkage, and the extent of this shrinkage increased with increase in exposure time at 950°C. The percentage swelling/shrinkage in the fired pellets was found to be related to their crushing strengths and porosities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)256-268
    Number of pages13
    JournalMineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
    Issue number4
    Early online date29 Sept 2010
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • coal
    • iron ore pellets
    • reduction
    • swelling


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