Stakeholders' perspectives towards bus quality indicators

M. Mahmoud, J. Hine, Anil Kashyap

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The bus quality-management process continues to be a key area of investigation for all stakeholders. There is a clear imperative for developing comprehensive quality-monitoring schemes in order to improve service quality with sufficient appeal to attract more users and reduce car dependency. However, one of the main obstacles in the quality-management process is the identification of a concise set of quality indicators that captures the multidimensionality of the service quality (subjective and objective) and considers the perspectives of all stakeholders. Therefore, this paper develops an integrated set of bus quality indicators that considers the perspectives of all stakeholders and combines both subjective and objective parameters of the service quality. The paper uses the data of 456 questionnaires distributed across the UK, and the final list of quality indicators is derived through multi-perspective analysis of the perspectives of academics, local authorities, operators, current users and potential users towards the relevance to application of a wide range of indicators. The results of the paper provide policy makers and operators with clear indications for the desired quality indicators that can readily be implemented for quality monitoring and benchmarking.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)156-177
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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  • quality control
  • transport management
  • transport planning


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