Sport events as political capital: definitions, evaluation of effectiveness and who benefits.

Mark Piekarz, Andrew Adams

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    It is hardly a new observation that sport has the potential to be
    used as a political tool. Indeed, Bose (2012) makes the claim
    that as sport has grown and become more commercialised, it
    has now become the most powerful political tool in the world. It
    is a grand claim and one which needs critical scrutiny, because
    the power of sport is often invoked as the key mechanism
    through which impacts and transformations can be levied on
    political processes and outcomes. Making sense of the claim
    can be confusing when attempting to disentangle the
    sometimes paradoxical rhetoric surrounding sport that comes
    from many actors, not least governing bodies and governments.
    Indeed, many international sport organisations regularly engage
    in the rhetorical promotion of how sport can transform societies
    and economies for good, yet at any hint of a sport event being
    used as a platform for political protest, the mantra that sport
    and politics should not mix is rolled out. The hypocrisy at
    governmental level would seem obvious; many democratic
    governments use sport events as a tool for mobilising political
    support, whilst authoritarian regimes may use sport events as a
    means for building political legitimacy.
    In this paper, a model is designed based on a meta-analysis of
    literature, which better represents the theory of political capital
    and the role of sport in building this type of capital. The model
    explains how sport can be used to influence and transform
    politics; who is likely to gain and lose; and what factors
    influence its effectiveness in capital development. Whilst
    elements of these questions have been covered by other
    writers, there are some crucial gaps in the literature. For
    example, Grix (2013) has discussed how governments use
    sport as a form of soft power to help maintain rule. Whilst
    invaluable, it still only paints part of the picture. In particular, it
    does not fully address how other actors and agencies, such as
    sport bodies, pressure groups and businesses can also use
    sport and sport events as tools for bringing about political
    changes that benefit the groups they represent.
    The model juxtaposes three important theoretical features: the
    notion of political capital; the concept of leverage; and the
    context of the potential impacts of sport on politics. In relation to
    capital, the work of Bourdieu (1986) informs and underpins our
    use and application of political capital, which in comparison with
    other ‘capitals’, such as economic, social and human, is an
    under-developed construct, rarely discussed in literature.
    However, it is a construct which has great value when exploring
    how and why sport can be used as tool which can impact on
    politics to facilitate positive or negative changes. This idea that
    sport has a value is, however, dependent on how it is used, or
    leveraged, in order to make an impact on politics. Leveraging
    draws mainly on the work of Chalip (2006), which looks at the
    intervening mechanisms which need to be utilised if sport is to
    have any real impacts, along with how this has known and
    unknown knock on effects (Sam, 2009).
    The model identifies the pathways, connections and processes
    that show how sport has the potential to be used by
    governments and a variety of actors to promote and protect
    particular political agendas and interests. One particularly
    important trend observed is the number of democratic countries
    which appear to be losing faith in sport events potential for
    developing political capital which they can lever for gain: this
    can be contrasted by the number of authoritarian regimes who
    seem to be attaching more faith in the role of sport and sport
    events to try and build their political power bases.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event24th EASM Conference - Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Warsaw, Poland
    Duration: 7 Sept 201610 Sept 2016
    Conference number: 2016


    Conference24th EASM Conference
    Abbreviated titleEASM
    Internet address

    Bibliographical note

    The abstract only is available on the EASM website.


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