Spectrals of the Spectacular

Adnan Hadziselimovic, O.L. Schultz

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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    PirateBox file-sharing performance. We know by now, that the social is also visually constructed, that there is a struggle for “The Right to look” and that social visions are projective, contested as well as fractal. What we want to look at is how centralized visual event streams and orchestrations are producing alternative visual splinters, fractions and specters that also travel in fragmentary ways across the globe, making visible new landscapes and hidden horizons of meaning, i.e. “specters” to the current system and “mode of projection”. While we are interested in the geopolitical aesthetic of a (to be) pirated reality of the “non-territories” which resist the address of the ‚national (interest)‘ and subsumption to the current globalized society of control and spectacle, we also want to focus on the particular way the resistancies to the FIFA World Cup 2014 travel around and haunt the global imaginary and feed the non-aligned social intellect.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventBesides the Screen - Cinema apesar da imagem - , Brazil
    Duration: 22 Aug 201425 Aug 2014


    ConferenceBesides the Screen - Cinema apesar da imagem

    Bibliographical note

    This performance was given at the Besides the Screen - cinema-apesar-da-imagem conference in Brazil 21-23 August 2014. A video is available at: https://vimeo.com/148075694


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