Specific-heat exponent and modified hyperscaling in the 4D random-field Ising model

Nikolaos Fytas, Victor Martin-Mayor, Marco Picco, Nicolas Sourlas

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    We report a high-precision numerical estimation of the critical exponent α of the specific heat of the random-field Ising model in four dimensions. Our result \alpha = 0.12(1) indicates a diverging specific-heat behavior and is consistent with the estimation coming from the modified hyperscaling relation using our estimate of \theta via the anomalous dimensions \eta and \bar\eta. Our analysis benefited from a high-statistics zero-temperature numerical simulation of the model for two distributions of the random fields, namely a Gaussian and Poissonian distribution, as well as recent advances in finite-size scaling and reweighting methods for disordered systems. An original estimate of the critical slowing down exponent z of the maximum-flow algorithm used is also provided.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number033302
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 2017


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