Special issue: India in Africa

Alex Vines, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review


    This special issue of the South African Journal of International Affairs focuses on the relations between India and Africa. Anand Sharma, India's Minister of State for External Affairs, examines the history of the relationship between Africa and India. India's foreign policy is discussed by Varun Sahni, while Refilwe Mokoena explores the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) partnership. Economic relations are dealt with by Philip Alves (trade relations since 1994), Sachin Chaturvedi and Saroj Kumar Mohanty (trade and investment trends), and Devika Sharma and Deepti Mahajan (energy, notably oil). Alex Vines and Bereni Oruitemeka analyse India's engagement with the African Indian Ocean Rim States, both in terms of trade and investment and security. Moeed Yusuf examines the relationships both between Pakistan and Africa, and India and Pakistan. Sushant K. Singh traces India's engagement with peacekeeping on the African continent. [ASC Leiden abstract]
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)7-11
    Number of pages5
    JournalSouth African Journal of International Affairs
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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