Skills shortages: A brake on the British car industry?

J. Begley, C. Collis, T. Donnelly

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In 2012, KPMG published a report outlining the successes in the growth and development of the UK automotive industry. All augured well for the future. Tucked away at the back of the report was a warning that the industry’s progress could be hindered due to a serious lack of skilled labour at both the graduate and non-graduate levels. This paper seeks to explore the various reasons why this deficiency in skills has arisen. The seriousness of the problem has been recognised for many years, but it is only recently that it has been afforded the attention deserved. The discussion will focus on and evaluate government, employers and the education system’s roles in this and also their attempts to alleviate the problem.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)593-608
JournalLocal Economy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2015


  • apprenticeships education provision employers engineering shortages government policy graduate skills innovation


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