Simulation of the spatial distribution of the acoustic pressure in sonochemical reactors with numerical methods: A review

Ignacio Tudela-Montes, Veronica Saez, Maria Deseada Esclapez, Maria Isabel Diez-Garcia, Pedro Bonete, Jose Gonzalez-Garcia

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    102 Citations (Scopus)


    Numerical methods for the calculation of the acoustic field inside sonoreactors have rapidly emerged in the last 15 years. This paper summarizes some of the most important works on this topic presented in the past, along with the diverse numerical works that have been published since then, reviewing the state of the art from a qualitative point of view. In this sense, we illustrate and discuss some of the models recently developed by the scientific community to deal with some of the complex events that take place in a sonochemical reactor such as the vibration of the reactor walls and the nonlinear phenomena inherent to the presence of ultrasonic cavitation. In addition, we point out some of the upcoming challenges that must be addressed in order to develop a reliable tool for the proper designing of efficient sonoreactors and the scale-up of sonochemical processes
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)909-919
    JournalUltrasonics Sonochemistry
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - May 2014

    Bibliographical note

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    • Acoustic pressure
    • Numerical simulations
    • Sonochemical reactor
    • Sonochemistry
    • Ultrasound


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