Selectable enhanced creep control mode for automated clutch and vehicular automated mechanical transmission system utilizing same

    Research output: Patent

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    A control for a vehicular automated clutch (14) drivingly interposed between a fuel-controlled engine (12) and a multiple-speed, change-gear transmission (16) providing enhanced low-speed maneuvering control is provided. Upon manual selection (40) of creep mode, an enhanced creep mode is activated, effective over a relatively large range (0% to 75%) of throttle pedal (32) displacement.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent number US5681242A
    IPCB60K 91/02
    Priority date8/03/95
    Filing date8/03/96
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 1997

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Automotive Engineering


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