Scoring Choreography: Process and Bodies in Digital Forms

    Research output: Practice-Based and Non-textual ResearchDigital or Visual Media


    This paper considers recently developed digital dance scores, paying particular attention to Using the Sky (Motion Bank 2013), an online score of Deborah Hay’s work No Time to Fly (2010) I suggest that Using the Sky is typical of an emerging field of choreographic ‘poetics’ (Cvejic 2012, deLahunta 2014), which offer a form of co-authored self-reflection, drawing on multiple methods to analyse and share choreographic processes. UTS and similar projects shape the legacy of dance works, constraining their identity in accordance with authorial intention and centralising the choreographer’s voice. This impacts on empirical and post-structuralist notions of authorship, implicating a shift away from established paradigms and reconfiguring spectator – author relations. Furthermore Hay’s somatic practice poses a familiar challenge regarding the presence of the body when writing (about) dance. This investigation suggests that the methods adopted by Hay and her team allow for features of the body to extend into the digital realm. The flesh-less presence of the body demonstrates the primacy of Hay’s practice and further impacts on readings of her work. This paper provides an introduction to some of the key questions posed by the score; demonstrating how it raises and reconfigures issues of authorship, affect and action in dance practice and research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    Bibliographical note

    Full text available from:


    • Scoring
    • Documentation
    • Authorship
    • Digital Media
    • Choreographic Practice


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