S. Vahid (Editor), “Performance evaluation of synergic operation of algorithms enabling opportunistic networks,” OneFit Project, Deliverable D4.3

Jordi Pérez-Romero, Oriol Sallent, Faouzi Bouali, Ramon Ferrus, Ramon Agustí, Jens Gebert, Rolf Fuchs, Panagiotis Demestichas, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Vera Stavroulaki, Kostas Tsagkaris, Yiouli Kritikou, Lia Tzifa, Nikos Koutsouris, Dimitris Karvounas, Marios Logothetis, Asimina Sarli , Aimilia Bantouna, Louisa-Magdalene Papadopoulou , Aristi GalaniPanagiotis Vlacheas, Petros Morakos, Alexandros Antzoulatos, Oscar Moreno, Milenko Tosic, Dragan Boskovic, Mirko Cirilovic, Heli Sarvanko, Xianfu Chen, Stéphane Pega , Michel Bourdellès, Seiamak Vahid (Editor), Abdoulaye Bagayoko, Christian Mouton, Thomas Delsol, Dorin Panaitopol, Riaz Maryam, Alnwaimi Ghassan, Haeyoung Lee

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    This deliverable presents final set of the algorithmic solutions and evaluation results for enabling opportunistic networks. The results are based on matured algorithms and performance assessments include aspects related to the practicality of the solutions proposed. Finally, an integrated approach is adopted to showcase synergic and dynamic operation of different algorithms in support of main ON scenarios.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCORDIS - European Commission
    Number of pages208
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2012


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