Rotary drive

James Lethbridge (Inventor), Ian Bates (Inventor), Terry Morgan (Inventor), Burkhard Pollak (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A rotary drive has a gear sector 120 in mesh with a drive pinion (110, fig 5). A member (140, fig 2) is mounted for rotation coaxially of the gear sector 120, spring means 148 being mounted on one of the gear sector 120 or member and abutment means 134,146 on the other of the gear sector 120 or member engaging the spring means 148 to bias the member to a central position relative to the gear sector 120. The spring means applies a restoring force towards the central position upon relative movement of the member 140 with respect to the gear selector 120 and stop means 154 is provided to limit relative movement in either direction. The member is drivingly connected to an output shaft 80. The spring means 148 may be U-shaped.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent number WO2004036092A1
    IPCF16H 61/32
    Priority date10/10/02
    Filing date8/10/03
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2004

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Automotive Engineering


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    • Rotary drive

      Lethbridge, J. (Inventor), Bates, I. (Inventor), Morgan, T. (Inventor) & Pollak, B. (Inventor), 14 Apr 2004, IPC No. F16H 19/00, Patent No. GB2394023A, 10 Oct 2002, Priority date 10 Oct 2002, Priority No. GB20020023531A

      Research output: Patent

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