Representations of Religion on the British Feminist Webzine The F Word

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    In 21st century Europe, where religion is a more visible focus in local, national and global politics, how do feminist organisations and groups approach religion? This article explores this through analysis of representations of religion on a prominent British feminist webzine, The F Word. In academic literature and public debates, two dominant viewpoints are articulated in debates on women’s rights, religion and secularism: feminist secularism and religious inclusion. In the context of these debates, the study asks how The F Word writers approach religion, and whether and how their representations of religion reflect these academic and public debates. The analysis identifies four dominant approaches to religion, and two underlying themes, and sets these approaches in their wider social context.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)165-187
    JournalRepresentations of Religion on the British Feminist Webzine The F Word
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Dec 2015

    Bibliographical note

    Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0


    • Feminism
    • religion
    • internet
    • media
    • secularism
    • multiculturalism.


    • Faith and Peaceful Relations


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