Prototype of a wireless monitoring system for a gas turbine engine

Daniel Goldsmith, Elena Gaura, James Brusey, James Shuttleworth, Nigel Poole

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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A critical aspect of modern condition-based maintenance (CBM) systems is the provision of detailed, accurate and reliable sensing for the part, or subsystem under observation. Existing thermocouple based flow sensing systems for gas turbine engines deal effectively with the multipoint measurement of the high temperatures involved, however, due to the need for low added weight, they only provide averaged temperature data over a single heavy duty cable. The conflicting measurement system requirements of low weight and detailed, high rate, robust, multipoint measurement can be mitigated through the use of wire-less instrumentation. This technical report describes a prototype system that explores the use of multiple wirelessly networked sensors to deliver detailed spatial-temporal flow temperature information to enable CBM and enhance informational output from engine testing.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCoventry University
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2008


  • CBM systems
  • condition-based maintenance systems
  • engine testing
  • sensing systems


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