Priority issues for British Columbians living with spinal cord injury

C.L. Backman, S.J. Forwell, L. Jongbloed, Christine M. Carpenter

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The British Columbia Paraplegic Association wished to ascertain the needs and expectations of its constituents in order to guide the organization's future advocacy and rehabilitation activities. This study identifies the priority needs of individuals with spinal cord injury living in communities in British Columbia. A questionnaire was designed in consultation with an advisory committee and people with SCI, based on results from an earlier focus group study. All 12 community service needs surveyed were endorsed by varying proportions of the 357 respondents. The three most frequently cited priorities were to lobby for better home support services (endorsed by 43%), lobby for equitable income policies (38%), and educate employers (34%). Priorities differed based on gender, years living with SCI, functional classification, household income, employment status and vehicle ownership. The priorities identified by study respondents may be shared by others with disabilities and need to be addressed by advocacy organizations and service providers.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Disability, Community and Rehabilitation
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2007

    Bibliographical note

    Dr. Carpenter was at the University of British Columbia at the time this study was conducted. The full text of this article is not available from this repository.


    • rehabilitation
    • spinal cord injury
    • British Columbia
    • Canada
    • home support
    • service providers


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