Preparing T-Shaped Graduates for the Digital Economy

Joanne Carlier, Ann Davis

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    As the digital economy continues to grow governments are calling upon universities to ensure that graduates are prepared to enter the job market as highly capable and knowledgeable developers. The challenge of educating new software developers to be able to perform appropriately is presented here in the context of understanding developers as I-Shaped and T-Shaped workers. Following a broad overview of the terms, a qualitative research study of 19 developers
    is presented which details the perceptions of software developers regarding differentiation within development roles. The types of skills required by T-Shaped graduates is explored and consideration is made as to the responses
    that may be appropriate in developing curricula which prepares graduates for employment
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2017
    EventChina Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education - Athens, Athens, Greece
    Duration: 24 May 201725 May 2017
    Conference number: 13th


    ConferenceChina Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education


    • Digital Economy
    • Software Developers
    • T-Shaped Workers


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