Position statement and considerations for remotely delivered pulmonary rehabilitation services.

Lucy Gardiner, Anna Alderslade, Frances Butler, Emma Chaplin, Rachael Colclough, Jane Douglas, Siobhan Hollier, Jack Plumbe, Laura Graham, Claire Nolan, Kelly Wainwright, Agnieszka Lewko

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The challenge of access to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) and meeting associated service demand is certainly not new. However, the COVID-19 pandemic set an unprecedented challenge evoking rapid adaptation of services. An inherent spotlight has been placed on remotely delivered services. As we look beyond the height of this pandemic, it is important to reflect and consider what has been learnt, and emerging perspectives on the future of PR service delivery. This document updates the ‘ACPRC statement and considerations for the remote delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 pandemic’ (1) and seeks to provide pragmatic practical guidance for remotely delivered models of PR for healthcare professionals that should be used alongside local guidance
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-112
Number of pages49
JournalJournal of ACPRC
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2023

Bibliographical note

The ACPRC Journal offers authors and its readers: open access; articles are indexed and retrievable on Google Scholar


  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • telerehabilitation
  • remote delivery
  • chronic respiratory disease


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