Political risks and the 2018 and 2022 World Cups: Developing and applying a framework for analyzing and assessing political risks for sports events

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


    The cancellation of the Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix
    event in February 2011 acts as a reminder of how sport
    events can be vulnerable to political change and turmoil.
    What was particularly notable was the speed of change in
    the region and how political events rippled beyond country
    borders, impacting and shaping events as they went. They
    also illustrated that whilst authoritarian political systems
    can have long periods of stability, when the pressure for
    change becomes so great, then it tends to be far more
    dramatic, explosive and sometimes violent in comparison
    with democratic countries.
    These events in the region, along with the awarding of the
    Football World Cup to Russia and Qatar, raise some
    important questions as to what the political risks FIFA and
    the football event will be exposed to, particularly if one
    adopts the position that the events now take place in a
    global, inconnected world. A simple comparison with other
    large scale sporting events reveals many interesting
    potential risks and how the event can both help shape the
    political environment, or be shaped itself by political
    processes. For example, whilst it can be argued that the
    1988 Olympics in South Korea helped nudge (not cause)
    the country to move from an authoritarian system to a
    democratic one, for the 2008 games in China, if anything,
    the reverse seemed true, whereby staging the Olympics
    helped strengthen the regime’s authority and did more to
    erode, rather than improve people’s human rights, with the
    risks of domestic and international terrorism being a key
    way to legitamise the increase in surveliance and security.
    The result, some argue, was to damage the Olympic brand
    and compromise many of the principles and roles which
    can be found in the Olympic Charter.
    What this paper does is to look more deeply at the nature
    of the political risks that exist presently and for the future in
    Russia and Qatar and how these can impact on both FIFA
    and the actual football event itself. A practical framework of analysis is developed which accesses secondary data, via
    a variety of open databases in order to identify the risks,
    analyse them and then develop a form of assessment. The
    work adopts a 4th age risk paradigm (Tarlow 2002),
    whereby risk is viewed as something which can create
    both opportunities and threats, along with seeing risks as
    being embedded in complex systems. An important part of
    the paper will be to illustrate how the framework developed
    can be used for assessing political risks for a variety of
    sporting events.
    The preliminary findings show that whilst on many levels
    the political systems of Qatar and Russia have various
    elements which can create many conditions of stability,
    there are a number of areas of concern, where their
    political systems can potentially damage the FIFA brand,
    compromise some of its goals and generate various
    operational risks. It shows that in the decision making
    process, the assessment and consideration of political
    situations seems to be one based more on 'hope' that
    there will be a positive political environment for the event,
    rather than a deeper and critical analysis of the political
    situations, having the readymade, but trite fall-back
    position that sport and politics should not mix if things start
    to go wrong.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEASM – Commitment in Sport Management, Madrid, Spain.
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event19th EASM Conference - Madrid, Spain
    Duration: 7 Sept 20119 Sept 2011


    Conference19th EASM Conference


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