Policy Recommendations for New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems

Viara Bojkova, Alexeis Garcia-Perez, Anitha Chinnaswamy, Eleni Anoyrkati

    Research output: Other contribution


    The NEWBITS - New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems - project has been a two-and-a-half-year Horizon 2020 coordination and support action, from October 2016 until March 2019 and is part of the ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’ Programme. The consortium consisted of 9 partners from 6 EU Member States and comprised of national ITS associations, EU-level innovation networks, ITS service providers operating worldwide, as well as research-based institutions and specialised consultancies
    involved in the fields of Transport and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), marketing research, policy analysis and innovation management.
    NEWBITS analysed various ITS pilot projects currently implemented in Europe, the US and Australia to gain a better understanding of the conditions that affect the ITS innovation deployment using an improved value network-based framework that: (1) minimizes failures inherent to ITS innovation diffusion; (2) evolves current business models; and (3) identifies effective incentives to accelerate ITS deployment. To achieve this aim, the project applied a value network approach and business ecosystem concept to better understand how companies cooperate and collaborate in operational tasks in the ITS industry to create and exchange value. This allowed the NEWBITS consortium to develop a five step process for shaping and evolving business models that are described as a network with shared values and shared risks
    among all stakeholders.
    The goal of this NEWBITS policy recommendations eBook is to share insights derived from four ITS case studies with regard to pathways and good practices for ITS innovation diffusion and agile business modelling with policy makers active on the EU and national level.
    Original languageEnglish
    TypePolicy recommendations
    Publisher NEWBITS Consortium
    Number of pages37
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019

    Bibliographical note

    As presented to the European Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG-MOVE) at the European Parliament on the 21 March 2019.


    • policy recommendations
    • Intelligent Transport System (ITS)


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