Ped-elec: Development of a New Value Chain Approach to the Provision of an Urban Mobility Solution

Huw Davies, Oliver Turrell

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Velomobiles currently form a niche product when viewed in the context of the market for mobility. However, they have a number of distinct advantages over other forms of mobility when considering the need to reduce transport emissions, tackle congestion in urban settings and support the move towards energy independence. How to transition from a niche product to the mainstream is the focus of this research activity. The ped-elec project will provide a demonstration platform that integrates innovation in the product with new approaches to manufacture and retail, therefore realising a transition for velomobiles from niche product to mainstream mobility solution.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2019
    Event32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium - Lyon, France
    Duration: 19 May 201922 May 2019


    Conference32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium
    Abbreviated titleEVS32
    Internet address


    • business model
    • car-sharing
    • consumers
    • infrastructure
    • light vehicles
    • market development
    • mobility concepts
    • Policy mobility
    • user behaviour


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