
This Review of Needs and Good Practice is the first output of the PACES project. It is the result of the activities undertaken as part of Work Package 1, which focuses on providing a picture of the situation in the partner institutions with regard to students with disabilities. This data will inform the subsequent work packages of the project.

The Needs Analysis (Section Four) reports on the accessibility situation and practices within each partner institution, including employability advice, at the start of the PACES project. This includes the results of focus groups held with students with disabilities within the eight North African partner institutions.

The Good Practice Guide for Disability Management Services in HEIs (Section Five) incorporates examples of good practice in each of the partner universities, including the European partners.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages110
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2018


  • education
  • disability
  • employment
  • accessibility


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