Optimization of Parameters influencing the Maximum Controllable Current in Gate Commutated Thyristors

N. Lophitis, M. Antoniou, F. Udrea, I. Nistor, M. Arnold, T. Wikström, J. Vobecky

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The model of interconnected numerical device segments can give a prediction on the dynamic performance of large area full wafer devices such as the GCTs and can be used as an optimization tool for designing GCTs. In this paper we evaluate the relative importance of the shallow p-base thickness, its peak concentration, the depth of the p-base and the buffer peak concentration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventInternational Seminar on Power Semiconductors - Prague, Czech Republic
    Duration: 29 Aug 201231 Aug 2012
    Conference number: 11


    ConferenceInternational Seminar on Power Semiconductors
    Abbreviated titleISPS 2012
    Country/TerritoryCzech Republic
    Internet address


    • Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors
    • GCT
    • Optimization


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