Occupational therapy home programmes for children with cerebral palsy: A national survey of United Kingdom paediatric occupational therapy practice

Yvonne Milton, Carolyn Dunford, Katie Newby

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Introduction: Occupational therapy home programmes for children with cerebral palsy have a robust evidence-base, but their content and usage in United Kingdom practice is unknown. Method: A national online survey questionnaire was conducted with occupational therapists to explore their current occupational therapy home programme practices, and attitudes toward using home programmes with children with cerebral palsy. Recruitment was through members of two sections of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, a University’s Fieldwork-Supervisor’s Database and self-selection following promotion on occupational therapy networks, social media and newsletters. Results: Of all survey respondents (n = 123), the majority of respondents (n = 74; 60%) used occupational therapy home programmes. The uptake and use of evidence-based home programme content varied, revealing evidence-practice gaps. Respondents clearly articulated their professional reasoning and acknowledged benefits of using home programmes. However, they reported barriers to implementing them within a family-centred framework, citing time constraints, lack of knowledge, skills and training, and insufficient support. Conclusion: Occupational therapists report challenges to implementing evidence-based interventions and the routine, systematic application of a range of standardised measurement tools pre/post occupational therapy home programmes. Such tools would enhance quality outcomes for children with cerebral palsy and their families. However, occupational therapists indicated the need for greater organisational support, further education and skill development in these areas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-451
Number of pages9
JournalBritish Journal of Occupational Therapy
Issue number7
Early online date7 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2019

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  • cerebral palsy
  • Home programmes
  • occupational therapy
  • survey

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Occupational Therapy


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