New bidirectional heavy device for launching bridges based on inverted caterpillar mechanism

M. Alonso-Martinez, J.J. Del Coz-Diaz, D. Castro-Fresno, A. Navarro-Manso

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Background: This patent is based on the combination of caterpillar mechanisms and conveyors. Caterpillar tracks support heavy loads and adapt this support according to the ground conditions. Conveyors displace distributed loads continuously and bidirectionally using the force of friction. This paper describes a revision of previous patents related to this innovative design.

Objective: This paper presents an innovative patent to continuously displace heavy structures safely. The mechanism was patented in 2011 as Spanish Patent ES2367737. The combination of these mechanisms provides the design of this patent to displace heavy structures continuously and bidirectionally, while adapting to the deflection of the structures.

Methods: The most important elements of this patent are detailed in the paper. The most innovative component is the load compensation system, which increases the safety of the displacement of heavy structures. This system controls the load applied on the mechanism, and the displacement can be stopped before the collapse of the heavy structure.

Results: An application of the patent for launching bridges using the Incremental Launching Method is presented. This mechanism is used to displace heavy structures using the force of friction.

Conclusion: The patented mechanism is an original contribution for the displacement of heavy structures continuously and bidirectionally. The patent can be used to launch bridges, improving the efficiency, sustainability, and safety of current systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)218-223
Number of pages6
JournalRecent Patents on Mechanical Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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  • Caterpillar mechanism
  • construction
  • conveyors
  • friction force
  • heavy structures
  • launching bridges


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