Neo-classical compounds in student writing: a corpus-based study

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    This article examines the use of neo-classical compounds (NCCs) in the British Academic Written English corpus (BAWE). Academic texts written by students from both English and other linguistic backgrounds, in three academic disciplines (English, Business Studies and Engineering) are studied, and the distribution of NCCs among these categories is discussed. It is shown that NCC distribution in the three disciplines differs considerably, and that native English speaker usage of NCCs is at variance with that of non-native speakers, but that usage among different L1 groups is fairly constant. A typology of NCCs is presented, to aid the analysis which follows. Implications of the study for English teaching are also presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)277-296
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Bibliographical note

    The article was published in an issue of the journal dated 2012. However, it was not actually published until 2014. This volume is a special issue: La composition néoclassique: Nouvelles données, nouveaux usages, nouvelles définitions.
    Published by Presses universitaires de Nancy – Editions universitaires de Lorraine.


    • academic writing
    • neo-classical compounds
    • British Academic Written English corpus


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