Multiphase flow metering

Manus Henry (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    Flowmeters provide information about materials being transferred through a conduit. For example, mass flowmeters provide a measurement of the mass of material being transferred through a conduit. Similarly, density flowmeters, or densitometers, provide a measurement of the density of material flowing through a conduit. Mass flowmeters also may provide a measurement of the density of the material.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP2609402B1
    IPCG01F 1/74,G01F 1/84,G01F 15/02,G01N 33/28
    Priority date24/08/10
    Filing date23/08/11
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2021


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    • Multiphase Flow Metering System

      Henry, M. (Inventor) & Casimiro Richard, P. (Inventor), 6 Dec 2016, IPC No. GOIF I/78, E2IB 47/00, E2IB 47/10, GOIF I/84, E2IB 2/0, Patent No. US9512709B2, 19 Dec 2013, Priority date 19 Nov 2012, Priority No. US201261728224P

      Research output: Patent

    • Multiphase Flow Metering System

      Henry, M. (Inventor) & Casimiro Richard, P. (Inventor), 22 May 2014, IPC No. G01F 1/84 , E2IB 47/1O , Patent No. US2014137643, 19 Dec 2013, Priority date 19 Nov 2012, Priority No. US201314135085

      Research output: Patent

      Open Access

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