Modelling and performance analysis of a silicon PV module

Nuruddeen Abdullahi, Chitta Saha, Robert Jinks

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    Significant effect and progress have been made by manufacturers and researchers to understand the performance and modelling concept of the PV modules under various conditions such as wind, dust, snow etc., which are often harsh and may lead to degradation of the PV module. This paper presents a study on the performance of an 85 W monocrystalline photovoltaic module under different conditions, with measurements being taken under indoor and outdoor conditions. To obtain maximum irradiation under outdoor conditions, the module was inclined at an angle of 25o facing the southern direction (UK). To investigate the I-V characteristic of the PV module a single diode electrical equivalent model has been developed using MATLAB-Simulink and the measured results are discussed together with the simulation results. The measured results have shown that the module is capable of generating 17.75 W/m2 with an efficiency of 7% and 138 W/m2 with an efficiency of 8% from indoor office building and outdoor conditions respectively in UK during summer time. This research work makes a significant contribution to photovoltaic researchers to identify the suitable applications such as embedded devices or body-worn sensor for use both in indoor and outdoor conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number033501
    JournalJournal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2017


    • Solar cells
    • Solar panels
    • Irradiance
    • Computer modeling
    • Electrical resistivity


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