Minimalism as sustainable fashion

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Minimalism is an increasingly popular lifestyle choice that involves reducing the number of possessions owned to a bare minimum of objects that are either pragmatically useful or emotively highly treasured. The various strands of minimalism are multifaceted, with elements including, but not limited to: decluttering and reducing one’s possessions, treasuring experiences rather than material possessions and purchasing with the intent of quality over quantity. The facets of minimalism closely mirror those of ‘voluntary simplifiers’, who can be defined as ‘individuals who have freely chosen a frugal, anti-consumer lifestyle that features low resource use and environmental impact’ (McDonald 2006: 516). Voluntary simplicity is seen to made up of two central facets; attempts to accumulate less possessions (minimal consumption) the de-cluttering of what is already owned (material simplicity) (Johnston and Burton 2003). Through the ‘reduced material consumption and the removal of clutter from one’s life’ (Ballantine and Creery 2010: 45) voluntary simplicity is ultimately based on the premise of having less (material objects) but having more (in non-material terms) (Huneke 2005, McDonald 2006).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2017
EventThe circular economy: transitioning to sustainability? - Coventry University, TechnoCentre, Coventry, United Kingdom
Duration: 11 Jul 201711 Jul 2017


ConferenceThe circular economy: transitioning to sustainability?
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Otherhosted by CBiS (Centre for Business in Society), Coventry University, in collaboration with CReiMS (Centre for Research in Marketing and Society), Sheffield University Management School and the Academy of Marketing Sustainability SIG.


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